Home     Products    phosphates    Di Ammonium Phosphate

Properties :

CAS Number  7783-28-0
Molecular Formula (NH4)2HPO4
Molecular Weight  132.06
Appearance   White Crystals
Assay > 99 %
Packing Details  25 Kgs HDPE Bags
Di Ammonium Phosphate [also known as Di Ammonium Hydrogen Phosphate or Ammonium Phosphate Dibasic] is manufactured by the reaction of Ammonia Gas and Phosphoric Acid. LR Grade / Pure Grade Diammonium Phosphate is manufactured in bulk quantities by Sampan Enterprises and can be supplied across India. DAP is used in a wide range of industries such as Food & Beverages, Agriculture, Animal Feed Industry etc. Di Ammonium Phosphate manufactured by Sampan Enterprises is used in various wineries in Nashik in the process of fermentation. Specifications of LR Grade Di Ammonium Phosphate is available for download.
Applications / Uses:
  • Food Production Industry: 
- ​Di Ammonium Phosphate is widely used as nutritional supplement and buffering agent in food production.
- As buffering agent in Baked Food to improve texture
  • Beverage Industry:
​- Di Ammonium Phosphate is widely used as Nutritional Supplement in Beverage.
- As a Yeast Nutrient in Wine Making and Brewing Mead to stimulate the process of Fermentation.
  • Agriculture / Animal Feed Industry:
​- Di Ammonium Phosphate is widely used as nutritional supplement in Agriculture / Animal Feed.
- As a nutritional supplement in feed additives to improve nutrition value
- DAP is used as a nitrogen and phosphorus supplement in fertilizer for vegetables, fruits, rice and wheat.
  • Other Industries:
- DAP is used as a fire retardant in Fire extinguisher to prevent fire spreading.
- DAP is also used as a pH regulator in paint to control precipitation of alkali-soluble and acid-insoluble colloidal dyes on wool.

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